Latest Updates
Support the Seton House: The Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission will be taking donations for the Seton House in it's mission to support single-parent families by providing apartments and resources as they strive toward independence and self-sufficiency. Household textiles, canned/non-perishable foods, personal hygiene items, and cleaning supplies are needed and can be placed in the box outside the hearing room on hearing day. See what was donated in June!
Commission Hearings Update: The WOGCC hearings are now being held in person on the second Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. A YouTube link to watch the hearings will be posted on the website on the morning of the hearings. It is strongly encouraged for everyone providing testimony to the Commission to attend in person. However, if remote testimony is necessary due to an inability to travel to the hearings, please contact the WOGCC as soon as possible to ensure remote testimony can be accommodated.
Filing Changes: The Commission is changing two filing requirements for hearings. The changes relate to deadlines for application filings and the process for filing DSUs.
-For details and more information, click here.
-Updated filing deadlines are found under the Hearings tab under Hearings Docket and Information.
Our History
In 1951, the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Act was established, and through this act, the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (WOGCC) and its role in regulating oil and gas was formed. As outlined in the Conservation Act, the WOGCC is charged primarily with preventing the waste of oil and gas and protecting correlative rights for Wyoming. The WOGCC works alongside many other agencies in the state that also play a role in providing a balanced approach for the industry and Wyoming.